Assistant Principal
Phone: 719- 495-8746
Qualifications: Degrees: Bachelor of Arts, Psychology Master of Arts, Educational Leadership Certified in: Principal K-12 Elementary Education K-6 Special Education 5-21
Mrs. Shannon Sloger
Welcome Wildcats! I am so thrilled to join Evans Elementary School as the Assistant Principal. It has been an exciting journey to get me here. I was born and raised in Maryland and can remember each and every one of my teachers throughout my school years. I knew I wanted to be a teacher for as long as I can remember.
I began teaching in Texas and then moved to Colorado after getting married. In Colorado, I’ve served as a 3rd grade teacher, interventionist, resource teacher, and most recently a special education administrator. It’s my 23rd year in education and I’m exactly where I’m supposed to be- surrounded by KIDS!
When I arrived at Evans, I immediately knew the climate and culture was different. Everyone lends a hand and puts children at the forefront of all decisions. I can’t wait to see what we can accomplish together!